Posts Tagged: Ciudad Juárez

Bejarano, Cynthia L. “Memory of Struggle in Ciudad Juárez: Mothers’ Resistance and Transborder Activism in the Case of the Campo Algodonero.” Aztlán. 38, no. 1 (2013): 189-204.

The Author, Cynthia Bejarano, recalls on the tragedy that was the Campo Algodonero case of 2001 where the bodies of eight girls were found and how this case played an important role in the justice for femicides and the feminicidal

Bejarano, Cynthia L. “Memory of Struggle in Ciudad Juárez: Mothers’ Resistance and Transborder Activism in the Case of the Campo Algodonero.” Aztlán. 38, no. 1 (2013): 189-204.

The Author, Cynthia Bejarano, recalls on the tragedy that was the Campo Algodonero case of 2001 where the bodies of eight girls were found and how this case played an important role in the justice for femicides and the feminicidal

Maquiladoras, Misogyny, and Migration: Exploring Femicide in Ciudad Juárez

This dossier is examining the multiple components that contribute to the proliferation of femicide, as well as the actions being taken to curb it.

Maquiladoras, Misogyny, and Migration: Exploring Femicide in Ciudad Juárez

This dossier is examining the multiple components that contribute to the proliferation of femicide, as well as the actions being taken to curb it.